Tuesday, May 31, 2016

神经多样性及跨文化交际 (Neurodiversity and Cross-Cultural Communication)

Written in April 2014 and then not published because ??? I think I wanted to work on this more but it's been sitting so here it is.

So I found out that on Wednesday a professor from Beijing's Foreign Language University is coming to talk to us about cross-cultural communication. And I just finished reading Thomas Orwen's thesis which suggests cross-cultural communication as a good approach for interactions between autistic people and allistic people (non-autistic people, though he uses "neurotypicals" for this meaning.) So I wrote a thing. Poke me and maybe I'll even remember to translate it into English.

人们一听到跨文化交际就会想到不同民族的跨文化交际,而不是只有民族才有文化区别。残疾人有残疾人文化()。个别残疾也会有自己的文化,即聋文化(; Ladd),盲文化(French),聋盲文化(Saeed et al,及自闭症者文化(Davidson; RobertsonNe'eman)。每一种残疾人文化都有自己的特点:聋哑人有自己的语言,从语言对思想的深刻影响可以意识到手语在聋哑人文化的核心性。盲目人在沟通中注重非可视的信息。聋盲文化把聋文化及盲文化的一些特点混在一起,也有自己的特色。

自闭症者文化呢?自闭症者使用语言的方式跟神经正常的人使用语言的方式有区。我们的感觉统合及风格也跟神经正常的人有区别(Baggs)。这样的特征感知也不是自闭症者特有的区别:自闭症成年人提出的神经多样性(Singer)表明:公众对世界、自己的环境的感知不同,学习风格(思想风格)有很多种()。自闭症者之间的沟通及特有的神经共同当自闭症者文化的来源,从文化的来源可以开始理解文化的特征(奚)。具体地谈,自闭症者的文化比神经正常支配性社会愿意接受重复行为,即扑棱手;也更愿意接受沟通的不同方式,即打字、选图片、和打说手语。而且,自闭症文化更注重认知通达性,为了提高通达性愿意把要求介绍的过具体和少用比喻或者介绍所有用上的比喻。面对面交流的时候,自闭症者注意:如果认识一个人,千万不应该把“肢体语言”的信息放在话的上面。这样的思路跟神经正常社会的思路差不多是反响的:人们说自己从别人的肢体语言意识到了谎话是平常发现的情况,而自闭症者没有说谎话的时候容易被这样认为。另外,在自闭症者文化里,话不一定有别的意思:“我现在不想跟你说话”没有“我不喜欢你”的意思。我们明白:对自闭症者来说,交流需要华很多能力,有时候不想跟别人说话。用目光接触没有的问题也不表明尊重情况:只有必着别人用目光接触才算是不尊重别人(Orwen; Davidson; RobertsonNe'eman)


奚从清, 林清和, 沈赓方.残疾人社会学. 华夏出版社, 1993.
沈玉林. "论聋文化与聋教育."现代特殊教育1 (2002): 1-9.
胡壮麟. "从多元符号学到多元智能." 外语与翻译 14.4 (2008): 1-8.
Davidson, Joyce. "Autistic culture online: virtual communication and cultural expression on the spectrum." Social & Cultural Geography 9.7 (2008): 791-806.
French, Sally. "The wind gets in my way." Disability discourse (1999): 21-27.
Ladd, Paddy. Understanding deaf culture: In search of deafhood. Multilingual Matters, 2003.
Orwen, Thomas. "Autreat and Autscape: Informing and Challenging the Neurotypical Will and Ability to Include." Thesis. Bergen University College, 2013.
Robertson, Scott M.,Ari D. Ne'eman. "Autistic Acceptance, the College Campus, and Technology: Growth of Neurodiversity in Society and Academia."Disability Studies Quarterly 28.4 (2008).
Saeed, Shakeel R., Richard T. Ramsden, and Patrick R. Axon. "Cochlear implantation in the deaf-blind." Otology & Neurotology 19.6 (1998): 774-777.
Singer, Judy. Odd People In: The Birth of Community Amongst People On the "Autism Spectrum" Diss. University of Technology, 1998.



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