Friday, June 29, 2012


Diversity, we stress.
Diversity is good.
We should strive for diversity.
But only for so much diversity.
We should be ourselves.
But only if our selves are within an acceptable range of difference.
And even within that range,
Even within acceptable difference,
We still push, sometimes for sameness.

Why do we say one thing and do another?
Are we not always told that actions speak louder than words?
Are we not always told that we should treat others the way we want to be treated?
Are we not always told that it’s OK to be different?
Why do our actions always belie our supposed values?

I think we are afraid of what we do not know.
I think we are afraid of those who are not like us.
I think we don’t REALLY want diversity.
We just want to THINK we want diversity because we’ve been told we should.

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