Friday, June 22, 2012

Getting Paid to Perseverate

E over at The Third Glance briefly mentioned that she gets paid to perseverate, and that this is AWESOME, while talking about ``significant disruption to daily living." And now I get to be paid to perseverate too! And no one cares if I flap while I read papers. No one cares if my shoes come off while I read papers. I just need to be still enough to not break/mess up experiments while in the lab and wear closed toed shoes in the lab, and I need to get my work done. How's that for acceptance? Getting paid to perseverate is seriously the BEST THING EVER. So please excuse me while I go perseverate about sciencey stuff some more!

1 comment:

  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!! That is such an exciting big step forward :) You rock!


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