Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Hurry up and wait.

Science research really seems to include a lot of hurrying up and then waiting. Seriously. I need to be right there when the half hour is up, but there isn't anything to do during that half hour. Or someone else is using the machine I need next. That's actually the story right now. I need the Dynamic Light Scatterer, and it won't be open for another 50 minutes or so. So I write stuff.
Research is going well, if slowly. I make some undergraduate newbie mistakes, like having half my liposomes leak out during extrusion, but the sample size I work with is smaller than the sample size I make because we KNOW things can go wrong like that. Or I wait and bother the professor about a question any of the PhD students would have known the answer to, because I DON'T know the answer. Or I don't realize that 10 millimolar is too concentrated for measuring surface charge, and that messes up my results. Whatever.
But they're OK with that, because they know I'm new. And I'm getting better at it. And no one cares if I stim in the lab, as long as I don't knock things over because of it. (All of the employers I've had where the job was not purely online have seen me flap. None cared. One of the purely online ones may have just found out that I'm on the spectrum from a conversation I had with a student about autism, but if they did, they show no signs of caring about that either.)
Anyways, that's my story. I spend a lot of time hurrying up in order to wait.

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