This is a children's book about autism written by an eight year old with
autism. (His language choices in the book lead me to suspect he prefers
person first for himself, but if anyone actually knows what he prefers
go ahead and let me know.) The way he talks about his autism is pretty
much what you would expect of an eight year old who is comfortable with
himself : he is matter of fact about what he likes and doesn't like,
what he's good at, and what is harder for him. He credits his autism for
some of his strengths in addition to being aware of what is harder for
him because of it, and he gives some specific examples of how to help
him fit better in situations. If you want to help someone get a basic
understating of autism, or if you want it yourself, or if you just want
to be reminded that some people understand that autism is not inherently
tragic, I say this is a good read and a good, if a bit simplistic,
portrayal of a
child with autism. (And seriously? The writer is eight and it's a
children's book. I think simple is OK here.)
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