Friday, September 14, 2012

Hey, Good Autism Writers (and Autism Parents) Actually Exist!

I don't know if he ever called himself an "Autism Dad." He definitely writes a decent bit about autism for the Huffington Post, and he has an autistic son. And no, he is not autistic. If I remember correctly, the woman who writes Emma's Hope Book also writes for the Huffington Post, and she's awesome too. So we've got TWO, count them, TWO parents of autistic kids writing good articles about autism for the Huffington Post. I'm not entirely sure that talking about the fact that their kids are autistic on the Huffington Post is wise, since, you know, employers use google, but barring that worry, the stuff they write is good. And most of what they write there is not directly about their own kids, but autism in general.
Yes, the point of this post is mostly to say that these are two people who write good articles about autism. (Usually. They do still write some problematic stuff, like the recent letter "from" Emma to her teacher that is on Emma's Hope Book and the fact that they're making it pretty hard for the kid to hide their diagnosis from Google if they wanted to.) It's also to remind me that I should check their articles to see if any of them would make decent sources for my research paper, and I am writing it now because of this article, which might actually make a decent source. I mean, at the least I can quote it as a NT writer who deals with the tragedy  of an autistic son saying that the goal of autism science shouldn't be to prevent or eradicate autism. But seriously. Go read that article now. He talks about how right now, no one seems to know what causes autism, science can't make up it's mind, but all the articles seem to agree on the very problematic concept that autism is a scary thing that needs to be either fixed or prevented. And it is good.
And now to talk about that paper because I need to think about it or I'll not actually get it done...

From these two authors work on the Huffington Post, I think I at least might use the article I linked above, and these others:
The Depiction of Autism and Why it Matters
A Letter to You (Who Wrote 'I Wish I Didn't Have Aspergers')
Autism: Death, Fear, and Hope
Autism 'Awareness'
The Curious Case of Autism and MMS
Supporting Real Autism Science
Can We Do More to Accommodate Autism? 

Oh, and BTW, I am changing to a consistent midnight Eastern time update. If there are two posts in a day, the second could be whenever. But if there is anything new that day, something will come at midnight.

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