Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Look at me!
Look at me when I'm talking to you!
Look me in the eye!
Look, look, look.


That's what people do.
So I know you're paying attention.
Just because.
Look, look, look.


You're a person, do it!
Pay attention. Look at me.
Look, look, look.

I can't pay attention and look at the same time!
Too much, too much, too much.

Don't be a liar.
You can. Everyone can.
You have to.
Look, look, look.

Why is it so hard to listen to what you hear?
Why am I the one with the problem when it's you who won't listen?
Why does you not understanding make me a liar?
Why, why, why?

This is my 200th post. Woohoo!

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