Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Notecards Part Three

Some Encyclopedia notecards:

Rimland, Bernard. "Autism." Encyclopedia Americana. 2006 ed. Vol. 2. Danvers, Connecticut: Scholastic Library, 2006. 803. Print.

The 2006 Edition of the Encyclopedia Americana states that psychotherapy has not been found effective in the treatment of autism, but that "a structured, directive approach in which approach in which appropriate responses are rewarded" sometimes shows results and that some B vitamins could be helpful in large doses.

Go find "Infantile Autism" by same author.

 Frith, Uta. "Autism." The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT, 1999. 58-59. Print.

"Contrary to popular belief, failure of bonding or attachment is not a distinguishing characteristic of autism."

Progress is highly variable regardless of treatments, with no known medical treatment and some success with behavior modification therapies.

Notecards from a presentation on camel milk at the Autism One conference. Why camel milk doesn't cure autism to come, along with ripping apart of "we don't know why it works, and we only have anecdotal evidence, but we're presenting it at a conference anyways," which is pretty much what's going on. Those might wait for the paper itself, though.

 Adams, Christina, MFA. "The Benefits and Realities of Camel Milk Therapy for ASD." Proc. of Autism One/Generation Rescue Conference 2012, The Westin Hotel, Lombard, IL., 30 Apr. 2012. Web. 15 Oct. 2012.

The mechanism is not understood, but possibilities include heavy chain antibodies, enzymes, insulin, proteins, and something that the camels are eating. Essentially, it could be anything.

The reason it is expected to work is that an ASD-immune dysfunction connection is being explored, and that camel milk helps with many inflammatory diseases. In addition, lactose symptoms may not occur with camel milk.

Adams, Christina, MFA. "Got [Camel] Milk?" Proc. of Autism One/Generation Rescue Conference 2012, The Westin Hotel, Lombard, IL. N.p., 30 Apr. 2012. Web. 15 Oct. 2012.

Supporters include Dr. Reuven Yagil, a camel expert who holds that autism is an autoimmune disease rather than a neurological condition.

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