Monday, November 5, 2012

Tell Him For Me

Inspired by a sibling who noticed her brother felt bad about his language difficulties and like he needed to apologize for being autistic. (That's why it's all "he" and "him" as well.) The sibling actually did say the right things in the moment, too. She just wanted to make sure. (And yes, she has seen the poem/might be showing it to her brother.)

Tell him it's OK.
Tell him he doesn't need to be ashamed.
And tell him he doesn't need to apologize for being autistic.
Tell him that for me, will you?

Tell him it's OK.
Tell him that inability to speak is not the same as having nothing to say.
And tell him that you know that.
Tell him that for me, will you?

Tell him it's OK.
Tell him he can type instead of talk, if that's what he needs.
And tell him he doesn't need to apologize for having needs.
Tell him that for me, will you?

Tell him it's OK.
Tell him he deserves to be treated like the person he is.
And tell him there are plenty who will fight to make sure he is.
Tell him that for me, will you?

Tell him it's OK.
Tell him there are more of us.
And tell him he's welcome to join us, we who refuse to be ashamed.
Tell him that for me, will you?

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