Saturday, February 16, 2013

Flash Blogging Alert!

Autistic people are...
Autistic people should...
I would say to type these into Google and look for the autocomplete suggestions, but it's pretty bad. It's triggering, looking at what people search starting with those strings. Âû  gave the heads up about that issue, thanks to them. They're awesome, btw. 
That's where this idea comes from. The idea? Flash blogs, of course. AutismPositivity went well. Autistics Speaking Day (ASDay) got international coverage last year. Having lots of people blogging about things together seems to do things, and maybe it will change what searches come up. We want to do this now, though, so that if we're changing the search strings and the search results by way of putting good things out there, it can hopefully be changed by April.
It needs to be changed by then because it's Autism Awareness month, Autism Acceptance month. Awareness is the term that most organizations use, unless they are trying to co-opt acceptance, the thing we truly need, and something that is incompatible with their brands of awareness.
So I know it's short notice, but Autistic People Should is going to be February 23, and Autistic People Are is March 2. Yes, that's a week from today and two weeks from today. Thumbnail graphics are still to be determined, and you can submit ideas if you want. Anyone who wants to send us a link to their flash blog for either topic, the Autistic People Should blog is here, and the Autistic People Are blog is here. You can put links in the comments, message Yes, That Too on Facebook, tweet at us, whatever. A Google Doc for submission will be up as well, once we get the executive functioning together. And yes, we could still go for another moderator.


  1. Is your event autistic-only or do you want help from allies?

    1. On Autistic People Are, definitely allies are welcome. For should, allies need to be VERY careful about what they are saying Autistic people should do... but there are certainly some topic ideas I could toss out for allies.

    2. I volunteer to help out, and you can look at my contributions and veto anything you consider inappropriate.

      On that note, I can also think of two other ways I might help: by linking to you on my blog, or by creating the document for you (since I can probably get it up and running faster). Would either of those be welcome?

    3. I hope your blog doesn't think this comment is spam because of the link it contains. Here is the Google Doc:

  2. Awesome! Will participate and also will look for possibilities for Autism Acceptance Day and Autism Experts blogs!

  3. I'm on Dreamwidth and LiveJournal rather than Blogspot, but I found this via Chordatesrock. Here's what I originally said regarding ideas for this project:

    The main thing I can offer is that I'm running a poetic series, An Army of One: The Autistic Secession in Space. Chordatesrock gave me the initial prompt, and other folks got interested, so I wrote more poems about this autistic society in development. Some of the currently unpublished poems are likely to get sponsored and posted in the next week, because I happen to have a half-price sale on this series from Feb. 18-24. I figure it might be useful to reprint some of my poetry, or have someone blog about it, or interview me; I'm flexible. (I'm also open to further inspiration. So far I've gathered input from multiple sources and several autistic readers, which helps build diversity in character portrayals.) Let me know if any of this appeals.

    You might also look for other positive portrayals of neurovariant characters in literature and post about those. If you write up descriptions of autistic heroes and/or get authors talking about them, it should help fill in those blanks with something other than trigger words.

    1. I'll take a look at the stuff you have up. Anything relevant I'll certainly take you up on the linking, maybe an interview for Autistic People Are? If you do write a relevant thing for the flash blog, we can add you to the blogroll regardless of platform, so there's always that. Even if not much is relevant to the flash blog itself, I'm definitely interested in talking to you!
      And I read your comments. I like. Your idea is basically what a flash blog is, to some extent. One prompt, piles of people write about it. *I seem to be having trouble getting this across. I can usually words well, apparently not this time?*

  4. I'm on Dreamwidth and LiveJournal rather than Blogspot, but I found this via Chordatesrock. Here's what I originally said regarding ideas for this project:

    The main thing I can offer is that I'm running a poetic series, An Army of One: The Autistic Secession in Space. Chordatesrock gave me the initial prompt, and other folks got interested, so I wrote more poems about this autistic society in development. Some of the currently unpublished poems are likely to get sponsored and posted in the next week, because I happen to have a half-price sale on this series from Feb. 18-24. I figure it might be useful to reprint some of my poetry, or have someone blog about it, or interview me; I'm flexible. (I'm also open to further inspiration. So far I've gathered input from multiple sources and several autistic readers, which helps build diversity in character portrayals.) Let me know if any of this appeals.

    You might also look for other positive portrayals of neurovariant characters in literature and post about those. If you write up descriptions of autistic heroes and/or get authors talking about them, it should help fill in those blanks with something other than trigger words.

  5. An Army of One: The Autistic Secession in Space has a half-price sale this week, if you'd like to boost the signal for autistic-friendly literature:

  6. I've put my draft submission for Autistic People Should up on the Google Doc, which you should be able to access. I hope that it meets with your approval.

  7. We will be participating at Disability Cultural Center

    We will be posting the following:

    Autistic People Should Be Respected
    Autistic People Should Have Rights
    Autistic People Should Be Listened To
    Autistic People Should Exist
    Autistic People Should Loved

    Please let me know if this is appropriate

    1. That should probably say "autistic people should be loved," instead of "autistic people should loved."

  8. I have just found this and want to participate but don't have a blog! Help?

    1. I can't say for sure what Alyssa would prefer, but you could send it to xem and ask xem to put it up for you. You might also put it up on the Google Doc, which you can find at and ask Alyssa to copy and paste it from there. Finally, you might create a blog. LiveJournal is free.

    2. Blogger, Wordpress, Tumblr, LiveJournal are ALL free. You can send posts to me, you can send links to posts, you can have them printed exclusively on the autisticpeopleshould blog, have it link to your post with whatever amount of reprint you want... I'm pretty flexible.


I reserve the right to delete comments for personal attacks, derailing, dangerous comparisons, bigotry, and generally not wanting my blog to be a platform for certain things.