Sunday, April 28, 2013


Ladle is a fun word, have some echolalia mixed with ladles. Also known as "Alyssa is echolalic sometimes, and mixed echoladling (echolalia of ladle) with songs sometimes."

I have a little ladle,
I made it out of steel,
I have a little ladle,
It needs to help me deal!

I have a little ladle,
I made it out of dreidles,
And when it's dry and ready,
Oh dreidle I shall ladle.

I'm a laaaaadle to you,
I laaaaaaadle to you,
Yes I'm a ladle to you.

Do rhymes with clue!
Do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue do clue....
(My friend who was watching as I rocked, flapped, and repeated do clue probably about that many times maybe more, commented that we should record that and inform every parent who wanted a gifted kid that this is what they were volunteering for. Which is amusing. And kind of true, since they only specified gifted, not that the kid had to be just gifted and nothing else.)

Some things are meant to ladle,
Some things mean more than they ladled to meee
Last year was incomplete,
This game will end the same unless I ladle,
Found the ladle frame,
No ladles there just a lonely spoon,
If I still felt the same it'd be a ladle....

None of the songs I modified are originally mine. Two are old PONS songs (like, from when their website was on kind of old,) two are variations of the dreidle song. 


  1. I love you! My vocal stim is Blue-Dude. I can sing it all day long. How cheery to find clue-do! It amazes me that our vocal stims are so similar! I love it. Laaaadle! :)

  2. LOVE IT!!! My child's right now is "run, run, run" which is completely scary to him and "OhLookatthetime!" - which is just fun to say.


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