Saturday, February 8, 2014

Internet and Disability Notes

I was looking at a call for papers/chapters that I missed about internet and disability stuff, and when I thought I might submit something I did some research and took some notes, which are below. No, the notes aren't all that organized, but if they help anyone then yay.

(The idea I had was about disabled people using the internet to create access for each other, because I know that's a thing. It's not good that we wind up needing to because the rest of society isn't, but it's awesome when we do it and in disabled-run spaces it is, in fact, disabled people's responsibility to make things accessible.)

Per DOI 10.1300/J113v21n01_04:

By 2002, legal scholarship began predicting that commercial web sites would fit under Title 3 of the ADA and therefore require reasonable access for people with disabilities.

Access includes, but is not limited to: text labels for graphics and for all functions to be activateable with the keyboard.

Check their source#7 for 98% of websites inaccessible to the disabled.

Java script and other graphic-based writing are typically inaccessible to those using screen-readers.

Section 508, which amended the Rehabilitation Act of 1793, requires federal agencies to make their electronic and information technology accessible, including websites.

Per source 19, Department of Justice argued that the ADA applies to non-physical accommodations, including web sites during the Clinton Administration.

Limiting places of public accommodation to physical structures negates significant portions of the protections provided by the ADA to those with mental disability, which the District Court of Minnesota has used to argue the ADA would be meant to apply to non-physical entities.

If you sue under Section 508 and win, they'll pay your attorneys fees.

ADA is required to be interpreted as providing at least as much protection as the Rehabilitation Act
Enforcing ADA requirements on the web would require more resources than the government is likely able (willing) to provide. [What, they could totally steal it from military, our military does not need as much money as we currently give it.]

Cite the ADA:

As the ADA's purpose is to "address the major areas of discrimination faced day-to-day by people with disabilities" and to "provide a clear and comprehensive mandate for the elimination of discrimination against individuals with Disabilities," the spirit of the legislation should include web sites, which have become a part of daily life.

Discrimination includes "a failure to make reasonable accommodations in policies, practices, or procedures, when such modifications are necessary to afford such goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations to individuals with disabilities."

Look up Access Board, EITAAC, accessibility standards for electronic and information technology covered by Section 508.
World Wide Web Consortium's Accessibility Guidelines
San Jose Web Page Disability Access Design Standard

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