Thursday, April 3, 2014

Two Days Poems

April is NaPoWriMo. (It's also Camp NaNoWrimo, but I'm not doing that.)
NaPoWriMo=National Poetry Writing Month. NaNoWriMo=National Novel Writing Month, for the curious.
What this means is I'm writing a poem a day in April. Here's the April 2 and April 3 poems.

April 2: Clovers

Looking over a 4-leaf clover.
Overlooking Awareness Day, intentionally.
Preferring my clovers, drawing my metaphors:
Clovers and autism between.
One helps find another.
One analogizes another.
What am I?
Four leaves, clustered, not as rare as believed.
Five leaves, surprising many by being real.
Can the clovers explain my existence?

April 3: Allism

Life with allism?
Does "lacking autism" disturb?
Is there a severe lack of stimming?
It's tragic, you see, this living with lacks.
Not the lives, just the words written of them.

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