Tuesday, December 16, 2014

A Research Survey Request

(Yeah, I'm totally willing to do this if I like your study. That's just kind of a high bar compared to where most studies on autism are, but specifically wanting Autistic respondents helps a lot there.)

Dear all!As a master student in Gothenburg University (Sweden) I am now conducting research on autism and blogging and Autistic people's communication experiences with posting. There is not much written about narrative practices of Autistic people, especially within Internet communication. That is why I find it important to convey a message to the scientific community about the necessity and advantages of computer-mediated interaction including blogs and social networks. I believe those who already benefit from it will stand for wider implementation of information and communication technology tools in an educational context as well.
That is why I kindly ask Autistic people who blog to take part in my survey, which can be confidential. However, if you want your blog to be referred to, it is also possible to put your name and the link in the reference list.
If you want to participate, have any questions, or want to see the support letter from the supervisor, please contact me gusboyek@student.gu.se Thank you in advance!

Things about this particular study that I liked:
  1. Kate started off guaranteeing anonymity. When I brought up the issue of that not crediting Autistic writers, she changed it to anonymity if we want it, citations if we'd rather have those. This is good both because it means taking Autistic input and because it means you can get credit for the work you've done.
  2. She responded well to my criticism of social skills programs that teach neurotypical standards and was interested in the idea of Autistic-nonautistic communication as a sort of cross-cultural communication rather than one side being "wrong."
  3. She did accept my throwing in blog links as answers or parts of answers for survey questions. Useful because new writing on demand can be tough.
  4. She's trying to describe Autistic communication online as it is, and was interested in the neurodiversity stuff she's seen.

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