Trigger Warning: Judge Rotenburg Center, Quiet Hands
I am aware.
I am aware that there is a thing called autism.
I am aware that it is diagnosed more than it used to be.
I am aware that people are scared of autism, and of autistic people.
I am autism aware.
I am aware.
I am aware of how we are treated.
I am aware of the Judge Rotenburg Center.
I am aware of "Quiet Hands."
I am aware of discrimination.
I am aware of abuse called therapy.
I am actually aware.
Notice the difference?
Alyssa Hillary, an Autistic graduate student, blogging about life, the universe, and everything, especially their life. (The answer is 42.)
Note For Anyone Writing About Me
Guide to Writing About Me
I don't like Autism Speaks. I'm Disabled, not differently abled, and I am an Autistic activist. Self-advocate is true, but incomplete.
Citing My Posts
MLA: Zisk, Alyssa Hillary. "Post Title." Yes, That Too. Day Month Year of post. Web. Day Month Year of retrieval.
APA: Zisk, A. H. (Year Month Day of post.) Post Title. [Web log post]. Retrieved from
And those are the things that I am aware of that scare me, too. Thank you, Alyssa.