I dunno. It's one of those chain blog awards. I got tagged by PDDWorld, which has the honor of being a parent blog I like. That's saying a lot, so go pay attention to them, OK? Cool.
So this one has an image. It looks like this:

Actually a decent image, huh?
I give 11 random facts about myself. I answer the 11 questions that PDDWorld set me. (If I tag you, you answer the ones that I set you- answer from the person who tags you!) I make 11 new questions for the people I tag. I tag 11 blogs that are either new or have less than 200 followers. So, let's get started:
So this one has an image. It looks like this:

Actually a decent image, huh?
I give 11 random facts about myself. I answer the 11 questions that PDDWorld set me. (If I tag you, you answer the ones that I set you- answer from the person who tags you!) I make 11 new questions for the people I tag. I tag 11 blogs that are either new or have less than 200 followers. So, let's get started:
11 Facts About Me
- I just graduated from college with a bachelors in math, and am now working on a masters in math while continuing with the bachelors in engineering and Chinese.
- One of my favorite stims is running something silky between my fingers, hence destroying the satin binding on all my blankets.
- When allowed a dictionary to look up topic-specific words, I can write at a professional or near-professional level in Chinese on a couple of topics, one of which is neurodiversity.
- I start/join in on way too many side projects. These include:
- Encyclopedia Autistica
- Allistic/Neurotypical Privilege
- Disability Reviews
- F*** Yeah, Stimming
- Compiling a book of essays, working title With a Capital A.
- I am well aware that it is not my job to educate anyone (unless it's literally my job, like at Art of Problem Solving...), but I'm a teacher at heart and therefore have this tendency to educate anyways.
- I really like BBC Sherlock and Eureka.
- I occasionally write fiction, though I don't think it's very good. I'm currently working on a bit of an Autistic!Sherlock one.
- I really, really like tea.
- My sense of smell isn't useless, but it's close to it.
- I'm face-blind.
- The music on my iPod is a kinda weird combination. I've got Disney musicals, Chinese pop, alt rock, old rock... yeah....
Answering 11 Questions From PDDWorld
- What are three things you CAN NOT live without?
- Food.
- Water.
- Shelter.
- When was the last time you cried? I think the last time I cried was also my most recent mini-meltdown. I was in Chinese tutoring, and my tutor was trying to help me. Apparently I was pronouncing something in the back of my mouth instead of the front of my mouth? It's the reverse of the issue that I had/still have with the "R" sound. It brought up old memories of people trying to help me with my "R" sound but refusing to believe that I couldn't hear the difference in my own speaking between a correct "R" and an incorrect "R" or that I couldn't feel the difference between speaking in the front and back of my mouth. I never did figure out either of those two things. The "R" issue resolved itself because the way they taught us to make it in Chinese I could actually do, but my tutor had trouble with the fact that I couldn't hear the difference in myself or tell the difference between speaking in the front and back of my mouth. She believed me when I couldn't get it each individual way, but the frustration added up with each method she tried and in the end... mini-meltdown, crying and shortness of breath included.
- Do you secretly have a favorite kid? Uh... I'm 20, and I haven't got any kids. Not applicable.
- Bath or shower? I'm at college. There are no bathtubs here.
- If you saw somebody shoplifting, would you say something or pretend you didn't see anything? Say something. Exactly what I say has some level of situation dependence, but say something to someone.
- Do you have a favorite picture of yourself? When and where was it taken? I really like my 10th grade school picture.
- Do you have any pets? Nope.
- What song is stuck in your head right now? Basically the entire soundtrack of Les Mis is stuck in my head, along with some Dispatch music.
- Have you ever been arrested? Nope. Have some funny stories involving the police, but none of them involve me being in trouble.
- Do you think you're a good judge of a person's character? Kind of? I get vibes from people sometimes, and of course, I can get a very good idea very quickly by making sure they know I'm Autistic and AFAB , then disagreeing with them and seeing how they react. If it's because of the autism or the being AFAB and therefore invalid, they are not a good person.
- When was the last time you laughed until your face hurt? I'm not sure.
Asking 11 Questions
- How old are you?
- Why did you start blogging?
- What is the most frustrating song you have ever had stuck in your head?
- Do you have a useless talent? (If so, what?)
- What is something that happened to you where people responded with "Only you could..."
- Have you read Loud Hands yet? (And if you haven't, WHY NOT?)
- Do you take things literally?
- What is the most hilarious rumor that has been spread about you (that you know of and are willing to share?)
- Do you know any other languages? (Which ones? How proficient?)
- If money were no object, where would you travel?
- If money were no object (and hence you could hire people/lobby/etc) what change would you try to make in the world?
Tagging 11 Blogs
In no particular order:
Thank you for tagging me. This was fun to do. I like how it gives us a chance to get to know each other a little better beyond the subjects we blog about.
ReplyDeleteThank you! I found this a little on the late side, but am going to hop on it today.. (i hope, or at least that is the current plan)
ReplyDeleteWell, I didn't actually tell any of the people I tagged because what is executive functioning?